Kind People Rush to Help Cat and Her 6 Kittens, Stunned to Find They are All Polydactyl
Rescuers rushed to help a cat and her six kittens and were stunned to find that they are all polydactyl. Andrea Christian When Andrea Christian, a volunteer of St. Francis…
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Cat Gets Herself into a Carrier Just Days Before She Has Her Kittens
A cat got herself into a carrier just days before she had her kittens. @comrescuemontreal A long-haired grey tabby had been roaming the streets for a while until a local…
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Kitten Has Been So Small Her Entire Life, but the Clever Young Cat Has Many Ways to Make Herself Feel Big
A kitten has been so small for her entire life, but the clever young cat has many ways to make herself feel big. Pip the kittenSaraSharp About 3-4 months ago,…
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Cat Accidentally Raises Money For Charity After Falling Asleep On Sidewalk
The other day, a curious scene unfolded on the streets of Alanya, Turkey. It was there, along a bustling city sidewalk, that a crowd began to gather. People were jockeying…
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Cat Tried to Get People to Notice Him with His Charming Face for Two Years, Finally Had His Dream Realized
A cat tried to get people to notice him with his charming face. Two years later, he finally had his dream realized. Shibby the catHearthsideCats A very mellow cat, named…
Read moreKittens Who Were Left at Petco, Realize Shelter Volunteer is There to Help Them, They Run into Her Arms
Two kittens who were left at Petco, realized a shelter volunteer was there to help them. They ran into her arms. Krispy and Kreme@adoptablesnyc Last month, Alyssa was contacted by…
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Cat Entrusts Kind People with 6 Kittens So She Can Enjoy What She’s Always Wanted
A cat entrusted kind people with her six kittens, so she could enjoy what she’d always wanted. @jennys_animal_house Earlier this year, a cat and her six newborns were transferred to…
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Feral Kitten Pushed Everyone Away but Decided to Trust for the First Time After 2 Weeks of Being Indoor Cat
A feral kitten pushed everyone away but decided to trust for the first time after two weeks indoors. Bert@emiliexfosters Emilie Rackovan, an animal rescuer based in Milwaukee, was contacted about…
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3 Kittens Came from Back of a Truck, Now Run Around Giving People, Other Cats and Even a Dog Their Adoration
Three kittens who came from the back of a dump truck, now run around giving people, other cats and even a dog their adoration. @kangaroothekitty Early last month, three tiny…
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Sand Cat Kittens Spotted in the Wild for First Time and Captured on Camera
On September 25 at 2AM, as Gregory Breton, director of Panthera France, and his colleague were about to give up on their long-winded expedition, they spotted something they’d never seen…
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