Adorable songbird with a spotted throat, handlebar mustache, and a rich dark chocolate crest.

The Taiwanese yuhina, also known as the Formosan yuhina, is a medium-sized songbird measuring about 13cm in length. This cute little bird sports a distinctive, perfectly framed dark chocolate crest, and has a black mustachioed face, white throat, and grayish underparts. The Taiwan yuhina’s wings are an olive green hue, while its legs are yellow and its beak is black. Interestingly, the two sexes look very similar in appearance, with the juveniles also resembling their adult counterparts.

Adorable songbird with a spotted throat, handlebar mustache, and a rich dark chocolate crest.

This bird is endemic to the island nation of Taiwan. Although restricted to certain areas, Taiwan yuhina is common in these areas, which are temperate forested areas between 1000 and 2800 m. Its diet consists mainly of nectar from cherry blossoms and other flowers, but it is also believed to feed on small invertebrates and perhaps even fruits.

Adorable songbird with a spotted throat, handlebar mustache, and a rich dark chocolate crest.

Adorable songbird with a spotted throat, handlebar mustache, and a rich dark chocolate crest.

Adorable songbird with a spotted throat, handlebar mustache, and a rich dark chocolate crest.

Adorable songbird with a spotted throat, handlebar mustache, and a rich dark chocolate crest.

Adorable songbird with a spotted throat, handlebar mustache, and a rich dark chocolate crest.

Adorable songbird with a spotted throat, handlebar mustache, and a rich dark chocolate crest.

Adorable songbird with a spotted throat, handlebar mustache, and a rich dark chocolate crest.

The breeding season for these birds is from April to June. They are believed to breed up to three times a year and nest communally. Three to four pairs of Taiwanese yuhina lay their eggs in the same nest and take turns incubating them. The nest is a small, deep cup made of roots, ferns, moss and cobwebs, and is placed between thick branches.

Adorable songbird with a spotted throat, handlebar mustache, and a rich dark chocolate crest.

Interestingly, the Taiwanese yuhina is considered to be of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, meaning that the species is not considered to be at significant risk of extinction. If you are interested in observing this bird, you can watch the video below and see for yourself!

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